Update May – Halftime

It´s getting more exciting for me. On May 16th I had my fourth chemo session, meaning it is the start of the second half of therapy. Two more will follow in June and then there kinda will be the day of truth, where I get my CT and the development of the therapy can be measured. While during the first half of therapy the procedures of therapy and how it affects my body were the main concern, it now has shifted to the result. Fears and concerns, that I could push away during the first half now emerge and feel more urgent. There is positive development to be mentionend, but also new or stronger symptons, that were not there before. So fever and nightly sweats are gone for now, but nausea and the metallic taste got stronger. My blood results are steadily getting better (I can even take longer walks in nature now), but there is a concern regarding my heart rythm…there could be cardiac arrhythmia. This is getting looked at doing a long term ECG.

Despite this I still see positive development, but don´t want to get my hopes up to much. After the last doctor talk it became obvious, that there will be more therapy after the first cycle is over.

Last but not least I want to thank all the people how send me little messages of hope or even large packages with books, sweets and stuff. It really helped me enjoy these last weeks a little more. Also there seem to be quite a few people praying for my wellbeing, which gives me additional strength.